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Avoiding Back Pain From The Computer

Computers have made a lot of things in life more accessible to many more people, such as cheaper medicine, online banking, and back problems. Yes, that’s right, sitting at that computer all day does have negative effects. Back problems are one thing that many people don’t think about when talking about computers. Many people often talk about the lack of exercise that is cause by computer use, but a great deal of damage can be done to your spine as well.

When you’re sitting at your desk for a significant period of time you may begin to slouch. This not only creates pressure on your lower back, but your posture begins to suffer and often time you will see a “C” shape form while sitting.

The good news is that there are some things you can do to help you avoid the back pain.

  • take regular breaks,
  • prevent your back and neck from stiffening,
  • sit in a good adjustable chair that provides lumbar support,
  • your feet should be on the floor or a footrest,
  • your desk should be large enough to allow your forearms to rest on it when using the keyboard,
  • be certain that your keyboard and monitor are at a comfortable height

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Top 3 Reasons for Your Headache contains information, including but not limited to text, graphics, and images. The content should be viewed only for informational purposes. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always ask your doctor or other healthcare provider any questions you may have about a medical condition or treatment. Before starting a new health care regimen, always consult your doctor first and never make any medical decisions without professional medical advice.

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