5 Reasons Why You Should Take Multivitamins

Close up of two yellow, clear soft gel pills. They are actually vitamins of essential fatty acids and vitamin e. Shallow depth of field with focus on front end.
Food quality has been declining for a long time but our bodies need specific vitamins to function properly. The best way to get your daily dose of vitamins is from what you eat, so sometimes you need to throw in a multivitamin for good measure. Benefits of taking multivitamins daily can be important for some people. If you’re not completely convinced, here are a few multivitamin benefits:
Environmental pollution
Our bodies need to use more nutrients than normal to detoxify and eliminate substances from environmental pollution (air, water, and food). The antioxidants including vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E are likely to decrease at a more rapid rate due to this pollution.
Eating habits
The busy schedules of our lives are contributing to our lack of vitamins. Our wavering eating habits, lazy chewing, eating on the run, and stress are causing poor digestion. This makes it hard for our bodies to take in all of the nutrients from our food.
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Health conditions
Certain health conditions can increase your need for vitamins. During pregnancy, a woman’s body requires more folic acid and during menopause, they are more susceptible to calcium deficiencies. In addition, the use of pharmaceutical drugs can increase the body’s vulnerability to vitamin deficiencies since most medications reduce essential nutrients in the body.
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Modern agricultural techniques
The food industry isn’t helping our vitamin deficiencies. Modern agricultural techniques are leaving the soil deficient of minerals causing the food grown there to share the same deficiencies. After the crops are harvested, they are stored for a while and then transported somewhere a long way off. This depletes the food of important vitamins. The processing, preserving, and cooking involved with our food doesn’t help either. This depletes nutrients and makes it difficult for us to be nutritiously satisfied from foods alone.
Overall health
Vitamins and minerals will improve your overall health. Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Folic Acid, Beta Carotene, and Vitamin B6 have all been proven to help in the treatment of high cholesterol, arthritis, birth defects, and even cancer.
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