Regaining Memory Through Dreams

Scanning of a human brain by X-rays
The days of staying up all night to study for exams are over. The real key to regaining memory through dreams. A study recently concluded that there is a definite link between sleep and improved memory.
A recent study of 99 participants found a link between sleep, dreams, and memory. The experiment had the participants navigate through a virtual maze on a computer screen. Half of them were allowed to take a 90-minute nap, while the other half stayed awake. Later on, the participants were re-tested on the virtual maze.
Regaining memory through dreams: Those who napped performed better than those who stayed awake, and what is more is that those who reported dreaming about the maze during their nap performed 10 times better than the nappers who didn’t dream. Another study found that people who dream about doing specific tasks actually improve their ability to perform that task in the waking world. Scientists don’t know exactly how dreams boost learning and memory capacity because dreaming is such a complex process, but it doesn’t need to take as long as 90 minutes to regaining memory through dreams. In fact, a short nap of as little as 12 minutes can make your memory flourish. Many North Americans are suffering from insomnia and aren’t getting the daily sleep they need. Some find themselves sleeping in on weekends to make up for it instead of sleeping 7 – 8 hours a night on a regular basis. Sleep is an important part of your physical and mental health and shouldn’t be neglected.
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