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Hangover Cures: After experiencing that sensitivity to light and sound, the throbbing head, and having the spins, the phrase that often follows is “I am never drinking again". Yes, I am talking about the dreaded hangover. Hangovers are caused by excessive alcohol consumption. The hangover...

The visual system is one of the most complex and demanding systems of the body.  The muscles around the eyes are the most used muscle groups in the body, and more than 25% of the nutrition in your body is absorbed through this system. 1. Take...

Many women are willing to try anything in order to have healthy, beautiful hair. Some women believe that home remedies and shopping channel products can provide larger-than-life results. Let’s face it – we spend hours coiffing and poking at our hairstyles in order to look...

Heart disease is preventable, and maintaining a healthy heart will increase your quality of life.  There are many everyday things you can do to ensure your heart is working at its best. 1.  Don’t Smoke - Smoking is the worst thing you can do for your...

Medical conditions affect all parts of the body including fingernails and skin! Here are some serious skin warning signs that you can't afford to ignore....

It's finally springtime, and after a few long months of snowy gloom, the plants are beginning to bud and new life is spreading across the nation. However, though the springtime brings us the much-wanted sunshine that we've waited for all winter long, it also brings...

It's really tempting to use Q-tips to clean the wax from your ears or remove the water after a shower, but a number of studies have concluded that doing this isn't beneficial to your health in any way. There are no positive outcomes of shoving a...

Is that throbbing headache back? No surprise. There are many things in our day to day lives that can activate headaches. Headaches can be very painful and thus cause you to become distracted,irritable and fast tempered. Try to avoid these top three causes for headaches. 1)...

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