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Gum Disease - Premature Birth You may be more likely to have a premature baby if you are pregnant and have gum disease. The link between the two conditions is not entirely explained, but underlying inflammation or infection could be to blame. Pregnancy and its connected...

Do you have oily skin? Dry skin? Sensitive skin? Are you prone to acne? All different types of skin require different methods and products to cleanse and beautify skin. Dry skin - If your face is dry everywhere, irritated, or peeling you should keep your focus...

90% of women develop cellulite at some point in their life. The thigh, buttocks, and stomach are the most common places for cellulite to develop in women. There aren't perfect methods available that get rid of cellulite, the most effective methods involve surgery, but there...

If you aren't an athlete in the Vancouver 2010 Olympics, you probably start off your day with average energy levels that are increasingly hard to maintain throughout the day. Try these energy-preserving tips so you can feel your best all day long. 1. Drink water -...

Acne appears on the skin as blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, cysts, pustules and congested pores, generally in areas of the body with many oil glands, which are primarily the face, back and chest. Any person may experience some form of acne at any age, although in...

1. The scientific name for sneezing is Sternutation - sneezing occurs when something tickles the lining of the nose. The nerves in the nose lining send a signal to the brain, which initiates a chain of messages to other parts of the body - chest,...

[caption id="attachment_20891" align="alignleft" width="300"] Young women quitting smoking isolated[/caption] Many people have made their New Year's Resolution to quit smoking. Quitting smoking is a difficult procedure that often requires expensive options or relapse. Experts say that it takes between 8 and 11 tries for the average...

As most men age, they begin to experience hair loss, sometimes even starting while in their teen years. However, most men don't really know, or really even try to prevent hair loss. Additionally, some women also experience hair loss, but instead of just accepting it,...

Doctors have a wide range of annoyances that they deal with everyday. Many doctors may be annoyed that you complain about sleep problems or tooth decay caused by smoking, but you're unwilling to try to quit! Here are some things that your doctor wishes you...

The state of your fingernails can provide clues about your overall health. Simple things like color and shape can indicate complicated health conditions such as chronic bronchitis. Pay attention to the signs that your nails give you in order to take care of yourself. Nail Pitting...

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