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Tetris is a popular puzzle game that was developed 25 years ago in Russia. The object of Tetris is to put together falling shapes by rotating them with the aim of completing horizontal rows of pieces without gaps. Researchers in New Mexico have found a...

If you have bought into the MMA craze like many people including myself (it is the fastest-growing sport ever) then you might not have had time to process the negative effects of boxing. Trust me there is a reason some of these guys are getting...

Well according to recent studies, swearing may actually be good for you. Swearing has often been frowned upon by society and mothers everywhere. However, recent research could suggest that swearing will help alleviate pain. Swearing has been shown to increase your pain tolerance by doing...

Well, I've heard of some interesting procedures, but this is one of those that you always wonder how it works. Scientists have been able to make artificial bone from wood. Yes, that's right wood. It's that natural resource that we get when we chop down...

If you are in a very loving relationship and you and your partner have decided to have a child, or children for that matter, there is one thing that you can do to increase the likelihood of becoming pregnant and that is having daily sex...

No one is sure about why we dream. Many have brought theories as to why we dream, many of them believing that they were right and no one else, but the fact of the matter is that no one can say for sure. Although there...

West Nile virus is a virus that is transmitted to humans mainly through the bite of a mosquito. Yep, those little annoying mosquitoes that make your body itch and itch can actually give you something a lot worse. Although most people that are infected with West...

Protects the Heart: Recommended magnesium-dose daily helps protect the heart from many things including, heart arrhythmias, blocked arteries, and high blood pressure. Magnesium deficiency can result in deadly health events for many people. Heart arrhythmias, irregular and abnormally fast heartbeats, or atrial fibrillation, can...

[caption id="attachment_21010" align="alignleft" width="300"] Picture From[/caption] If you are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes this means that your body does not produce an adequate amount of insulin, or does not properly use the insulin your body does produce. Insulin is an important hormone that comes...

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