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Are you Looking to Buy Brilinta (Ticagrelor) from Pharmapassport.

( Top Brand Option )

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Buy Brand Brilinta

Prescription Prescription Required
Formulation : Tablet
Drug Name Dosage Quantity Price Buy Now
Brilinta 60mg 60 $153.52 Add To Cart
Brilinta 60mg 112 $338.36 Add To Cart
Brilinta 60mg 168 $497.94 Add To Cart
Brilinta 90mg 56 $138.37 Add To Cart
Brilinta 90mg 168 $393.91 Add To Cart
Dosage: 60mg
Quantity: 60
Price: $153.52
Dosage: 60mg
Quantity: 112
Price: $338.36
Dosage: 60mg
Quantity: 168
Price: $497.94
Dosage: 90mg
Quantity: 56
Price: $138.37
Dosage: 90mg
Quantity: 168
Price: $393.91

( Affordable Generic Options )

Buy Ticagrelor Ticagrelor

Prescription Prescription Required
Formulation : Tablet
Drug Name Dosage Quantity Price Buy Now
Ticagrelor 60mg 100 $108.07 Add To Cart
Ticagrelor 60mg 200 $199.98 Add To Cart
Ticagrelor 90mg 84 $106.05 Add To Cart
Ticagrelor 90mg 168 $196.95 Add To Cart
Dosage: 60mg
Quantity: 100
Price: $108.07
Dosage: 60mg
Quantity: 200
Price: $199.98
Dosage: 90mg
Quantity: 84
Price: $106.05
Dosage: 90mg
Quantity: 168
Price: $196.95


Generic Name: ticagrelor 

Drug Class: antiplatelet agent 

Brilinta Details

Brilinta is an oral prescription drug used to reduce the risk of cardiovascular death, stroke, and myocardial infarction among patients with acute coronary syndrome. It also reduces the risk of myocardial infarction and stroke among patients with coronary artery disease and the risk of stroke among patients with acute ischemic stroke. 

Have Side Effects of Brilinta

Mild & Common Side Effects: 




-Shortness of breath 


Severe Side Effects: 

-Easy bruising or bleeding 

-Persistent bleeding 

-Sleep apnea 


-Irregular heartbeat 


-Vision changes 

-Trouble speaking 

-Red or purple pinpoint-sized spots on the skin

Note that this is not a full/complete list of the side effects of Brilinta.

If you experience severe or persistent adverse reactions, discontinue medication and talk to your doctor or healthcare professional. 

Brilinta Warnings

Do not take this prescription drug if you have a known allergy to ticagrelor or any inactive ingredients the tablet may contain. Always watch for any signs of serious allergic reactions, including trouble breathing, swelling of the face and neck, severe dizziness, swollen lymph nodes, hives/itchiness, and skin rashes. If any of these occur, discontinue taking the medication and seek emergency medical help immediately. 

This medication may be contraindicated for people with a history of gout, bleeding problems, heart rhythm problems, liver disease, recent injury or trauma, or recent surgeries. Also, due to possible drug interactions, you should discuss all the prescription medications, nonprescription medications, supplements, and herbal products you are taking. 

This oral medication is known to increase the risk of bleeding. You must practice safety caution when using sharp objects like razors, knives, and nail cutters. You should also avoid contact with sports or other activities that can cause bruising and bleeding. 

Dizziness is a common adverse effect of this medication. Practice caution when doing tasks that need alertness, especially driving. You must also limit your consumption of alcoholic drinks.

This oral drug can cause stomach bleeding. Daily use of tobacco or smoking can further increase this risk. As much as possible, try to limit substances that can cause bleeding, such as alcohol and nicotine.

Pregnant and breastfeeding moms must take this oral drug only if extremely necessary. It is necessary to discuss all the possible risks with your doctor or a healthcare provider.

Brilinta Dosage Forms 

This is available in Brilinta 90 mg and 60 mg tablets. 

Brilinta Mechanism of Action 

It reversibly binds to the adenosine 5’diphosphate or ADP P2Y12 receptor. Then preventing ADP from binding. This prevents the signal transduction and activation of platelets that could cause pathologic thrombus formation. This leads to the formation of harmful clots, which can be prevented. It will also allow blood to flow smoothly in the system. 

How to take Brilinta 

Before starting to take this medication, it is necessary to read the drug information leaflet or medication guide given by a healthcare professional. Do not take Brilinta or any medication unless you have understood the uses and directions. Speak with your doctor or pharmacist for further medical advice.

This tablet is only meant to be taken by mouth and is usually prescribed two to four times a day. You may take it with or without a meal. You may also have to take aspirin once a day, as directed by the physician.

Make a dosing schedule. Do not increase or decrease your Brilinta dose. Avoid administering it more frequently than advised, and do not discontinue the drug abruptly to avoid rebound effects. 

What is The Price of Brilinta?

The cost of this product is reasonable for its effectiveness. We also have the generic version for a lower price. Please note that you must present a valid prescription when purchasing this medication.

Common Questions about Brilinta 

What is Brilinta used for? 

Brilinta (ticagrelor) is used to prevent stroke or heart attack among patients with heart disease or at increased risk. This is classified as an antiplatelet agent. 

What are the foods to avoid while taking Brilinta? 

While taking this type of drug, avoid grapefruit or grapefruit juice. You should also avoid foods that are rich in vitamin K, such as broccoli, spinach, and asparagus. 

Is Brilinta the same as Plavix? 

Brilinta vs Plavix – These medications generally have the same indications and are both safe. However, they contain different active ingredients. 

Can I take aspirin instead of Brilinta? 

Sometimes, Brilinta is prescribed together with aspirin as it makes it more effective. Even so, you must not replace Brilinta with aspirin. 

Can you drink coffee while taking Brilinta? 

Yes, you may drink coffee while on this medication. You may also drink tea or other caffeinated beverages in moderation. 

Does Brilinta need a prescription? 

This product is a prescription drug. A valid prescription is required from any pharmacy before purchasing from any pharmacy. 

Additional information

Scientific Name:



Blister Tablets, Tablet


60mg, 90mg

Quantities Available:

56, 60, 84, 100, 112, 168, 200

The contents on this page was provided by third parties to The information for Brilinta (Ticagrelor) is not intended to substitute for qualified health care professional's advice. Please consult with your doctor if you have any questions or require medical advice.

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